Sunday Morning Bible Class
Everyone is welcome to join us every Sunday from 10:45am to 11:15am for our Sunday morning Bible Class. We talk about topics from the Lord's Supper, to Reformation, to common modern questions on topics of the day. Don't forget to grab yourself some free refreshments like coffee and homemade bars and deserts beforehand to enjoy before and during Bible Class!
Thursday Night Bible Class
During the Fall and Spring, join us on Thursday evenings at 5:30pm as we look through even more topics in our weeknight Bible Class, including books of the Bible and other miscellaneous topics.
Bible Information Class
Our Bible Information Class is a twelve-lesson look at the basic beliefs of the Christian faith. Intended for anyone wishing to become a member and for anyone simply wishing for a refresher, everyone is encouraged to join us and are encouraged to bring along someone who may be interested in learning who Jesus is, what this means for our lives, or anything that our church teaches. Contact us to inquire about starting a new class or to ask about current classes.
Confirmation Class
Beginning in 7th grade, students at St. Luke’s begin a thorough course of study in the basics of Christian belief organized around the time-tested handout of Luther’s Small Catechism. Christian parents are given the primary responsibility to train their children in God’s Word and to “Impress [it] on [their] children” (Deuteronomy 6:7). This was the intent of Martin Luther when he wrote the Small Catechism, having written above each chief part in the Small Catechism, “as the head of the family should teach them in all simplicity to his household.”[1] However, his was not always able to be carried out by the head of the household for various reasons, but was carried out by a teacher, pastor, or the congregation. Therefore, as a Christian congregation, it is also our privilege and joy to help parents raise their children in God’s truth alongside of their learning at home. Beginning after Labor Day and often lasting into May, students meet Wednesday nights from 6:00pm through 7:15pm.
Other Spiritual Growth Opportunitites
The Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod also offers many other resources for your spiritual growth! Check out some of the links below to see daily devotions, devotional videos, and more!
YouTube—Check out our channel on YouTube to see sermons and devotional videos.
WELS Devotions—Click on the WELS Devotions link to be taken to our synod’s website where they offer multiple daily resources. You can find daily devotions, women’s devotions, military devotions, devotions for early childhood ministry educator’s, and teens. You can also find worship helps for the weeks lessons for Sunday worship.
Have a question about the doctrine or practice of our denomination, the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod? Check out the WELS Q&A, where you can search through previously answered questions or ask your own.
Time of Grace--”Time of Grace connects people to God’s grace—his love, glory, and power—so they realize the temporary things of life don’t satisfy. However, through Jesus we have access to the eternal God—right now and forever.” Time of Grace Ministries offer daily devotions for you to read and video devotions on various topics. You can also catch their broadcast live on KARE (NBC 11) at 10:30am or watch previously aired messages!
Live Internet Streaming Broadcasts—Click this link to be taken to a long list of WELS churches that stream their services live on Sunday mornings. You can also watch previously streamed services on most of their websites.
Forward in Christ—If you receive the Forward in Christ magazine, there are certainly many helpful articles in there for spiritual learning, health, and growth! If you click on the link, it will also take you to the new Forward in Christ website! There you can read many of the new materials found in Forward in Christ and also sign up for their digital subscription if you’d like!
Meditations--You can also always grab one of our synod's Meditation devotional booklets right here at St. Luke's! This is a short devotional booklet that includes a daily Scripture reading, devotion, prayer, and suggested chapter of the Bible for further reading. The link to the left will let you purchase a year's supply of Meditations at Northwestern Publishing House, but you can always stop by church and pick up a free copy of the print edition.
YouTube—Check out our channel on YouTube to see sermons and devotional videos.
WELS Devotions—Click on the WELS Devotions link to be taken to our synod’s website where they offer multiple daily resources. You can find daily devotions, women’s devotions, military devotions, devotions for early childhood ministry educator’s, and teens. You can also find worship helps for the weeks lessons for Sunday worship.
Have a question about the doctrine or practice of our denomination, the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod? Check out the WELS Q&A, where you can search through previously answered questions or ask your own.
Time of Grace--”Time of Grace connects people to God’s grace—his love, glory, and power—so they realize the temporary things of life don’t satisfy. However, through Jesus we have access to the eternal God—right now and forever.” Time of Grace Ministries offer daily devotions for you to read and video devotions on various topics. You can also catch their broadcast live on KARE (NBC 11) at 10:30am or watch previously aired messages!
Live Internet Streaming Broadcasts—Click this link to be taken to a long list of WELS churches that stream their services live on Sunday mornings. You can also watch previously streamed services on most of their websites.
Forward in Christ—If you receive the Forward in Christ magazine, there are certainly many helpful articles in there for spiritual learning, health, and growth! If you click on the link, it will also take you to the new Forward in Christ website! There you can read many of the new materials found in Forward in Christ and also sign up for their digital subscription if you’d like!
Meditations--You can also always grab one of our synod's Meditation devotional booklets right here at St. Luke's! This is a short devotional booklet that includes a daily Scripture reading, devotion, prayer, and suggested chapter of the Bible for further reading. The link to the left will let you purchase a year's supply of Meditations at Northwestern Publishing House, but you can always stop by church and pick up a free copy of the print edition.